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Business DX CO2 Visualisation Consulting

Consulting partners with a proven track record in supporting carbon neutrality will assist in your sustainable management efforts.


If you're unsure where to start, consult with KDDI. We offer extensive support, from understanding the market environment to policy formulation and external announcements.


ASUENE offers a cloud service for CO2 emission visualisation, reduction, and reporting. It supports the calculation, visualisation, reduction, and carbon offsetting of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, as well as reporting and disclosure for the entire supply chain across Scope 1-3.


Case Study

- Case 1 -


  • Lack of know-how in CO2 emissions visualisation
  • Need to visualise emissions of more than 100 group companies and supply chain
  • Hard to calculate Scope 3 on your own with tens of thousands of suppliers


  • Introducing CO2 Emissions Visualisation SaaS & SX Consultation
  • Propose CO2 emission reduction


  • Reduction and optimisation of data collection & input logic development and man-hours
  • Speed to start Scope 3 calculations within 2 months of implementation

- Case 2 -


  • Insufficient response to disclosure requirements
  • Difficulty in collecting data due to the large number of franchise stores
  • Inability to input the latest information related to decarbonisation


  • Introducing CO2 Emissions Visualisation SaaS & SX Consultation
  • Propose CO2 emission reduction


  • possible to calculate up to Scope 3
  • Having a successful start to achieve CO2 emission reduction

- Case 3 -


  • Inability to comply with the requirements of the Corporate Governance Code
  • No expertise in answering the 200 questions in the CDP questionnaire
  • Lack of an effective calculation and disclosure system for the future


  • Provide CDP response support consulting
  • Study sessions, response reviews, proposal and implementation of CO2 reduction plans


  • Accountability through appropriate CDP disclosure
  • Disclosure of information to stakeholders and enhancement of credibility
  • Plan to achieve carbon neutrality in Scope 2 by FY9/2023

Get in touch with a KDDI consultant today

  • Achieving Carbon Neutrality

We assist in realizing carbon neutrality in your business, from visualising and analysing CO2 emissions to exploring and implementing reduction strategies.

Achieving Carbon Neutrality

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.

General Inquiry: 0800-631-3131

Starlink: 0207-507-1171

Office Hours: 9:00~17:00
(Closed Saturday, Sunday, and UK Bank Holidays)