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Needs Security measures for industrial and production systems

OT equipment visualisation and managed services

 Security measures for industrial and production systems

As the factory DX of recent years continues to advance through the use of clouds and IoT, the OT environment has begun to communicate with external sources like the Internet, bringing with it the need for security on par with an IT environment.

How does DX occur in the manufacturing industry?

As production efficiency has improved through conversion of factories through DX (utilisation of clouds/IoT), the OT environment, which was previously closed, is increasingly being linked with the outside world.

By introducing systems such as smart factories that link IT and OT, it is possible to automate and streamline operations and improve productivity.

In addition, by visualising information such as production rate and operating rate, it becomes easier to investigate causes when problems occur.

DX of manufacturing industry

Do you have security measures in place for your industrial and production systems?

As with the IT environment, increased communication with the outside world presents numerous security risks to the OT environment.

In recent years, there have been many cases of attacks such as intrusions into production site systems, freezing of production systems and forcing of factories to stop.

A survey of the 10 major security threats to industrial control systems (*) shows an increasing trend in malware infections via the Internet and intranets, and attacks on external networks and cloud components.

The introduction of OT security to protect against such threats is a challenge organizations now face. How exactly, though, should we implement OT security measures in the industrial and manufacturing industries?

Do you have security measures in place for your industrial and production systems?

[Germany BSI] Industrial Control System (ICS) Security -10 Major Threats and Countermeasures 2019-

OT security measure issues to be addressed


On-site asset management, understanding of network configuration and vulnerabilities

In many Japanese companies, IT and OT are clearly separated, so it is difficult to understand the overall network configuration. Additionally, system management is difficult in an OT environment with many legacy systems.

Security management

Absence of incident handling and security personnel

Because the OT environment is designed differently from the IT environment, there are many cases where there are no security experts at the production site, making it difficult to promote security measures.

Incident notification

Detecting external threats such as cyberattacks

Inability to detect changes or abnormalities in the system when it is hit by an external attack, such as a ransomware infection, can not only bring business operations to a halt, it can impact society itself.

Asset management for overseas production bases

Asset management of production bases located overseas

It is not easy for companies with overseas production bases to implement asset management and vulnerability countermeasures at multiple factories. There are few companies that implement OT security for all their factories and have an operation management system in place.

KDDI can make these a reality

OT Vulnerability Visualization
  • OT Vulnerability Visualisation

Provides visualisation of OT assets and vulnerabilities in each system.

Visualize the vulnerabilities of an in-operation system, bringing your security risks to light without interfering with equipment operation.

OT Managed Visualization
  • OT Managed Visualisation

Provides security risk visualisation and reporting of analysis results, OT network communication status, information assets/vulnerabilities, and threat visualisation.

We can also propose necessary measures after analysing and evaluating the visualized data.

Countermeasure solution service Monitoring
  • Countermeasure solution service Monitoring

24-hour-a-day, 365-day-a-year monitoring of OT and IT environments, as well as notification for and analysis of incidents.

Security product installation, OT and IT security perimeter strengthening, 24x7x365 monitoring, and instant notification and analysis when incidents occur.

Organizational support and Operation management
  • Organisational support and Operation management

Centrally-manage all networks from the cloud.
Combine multiple sites into one virtual factory.

We create security regulations, policies, and guidelines for multiple sites, and provide organizational support.

We provide optimal OT security measures!

Through the provision of visualisation, countermeasures, and monitoring for OT environments, we provide security measures and support you in making your infrastructure safe and secure, all with a minimum of impact on your business activities.


Phase 1

Understanding the current assets 
of the OT environment 
Vulnerability visualisation

1. Ascertain current assets
2. Check for vulnerabilities and system compatibility
3. Countermeasures and defining the scope of impact

 Security management

Phase 2

Optimal batch operation
Execution of security measures
Operational rules, stronger organisation

4. Implementation of countermeasure
5. Adaptation and thorough implementation of operational rules
6. Attended Bots

  Incident notification

Phase 3

Monitoring operations 
Operation management
Incident notifications

7. Monitoring operation, operation management service
8. Process Mining
9. Quick response when an incident occurs

What is the best solution for your problem?
Please consult a KDDI consultant.

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Office Hours: 9:00~17:00
(Closed Saturday, Sunday, and UK Bank Holidays)